Tag Archives: house of the dead

House of the Dead: Overkill is about to get a lot more pretty; headed to PS3 w/an extended cut

If you played House of the Dead:Overkill on the Wii then you might have had the feeling that it wasn’t quite the best fit for that platform.  The game was loud, abrasive, gory, explicit etc etc….basically everything fans of zombies and the horror genre could want in a game, it’s just that for the wii itself it might have been trying to cater to the wrong audience. The wii, and more specifically Nintendo,itself is known for being a family-friendly platform.  Well, SEGA has just assued everyone that it will no longer be an issue because House of the Dead:Overkill is coming to the PS3 on October 25th! Not only will the game be coming to the PS3 but it will be presented in a hi-def format and offer an extended cut with more levels and game modes! SEGA has this to say about the release:

The House of the Dead attacks the PS3 for the first time with PS Move and 3D support!

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL™ comes to the PS3 in this exclusive Extended Cut, with an avalanche of new content including brand new levels, weapons, mutants and more. Experience over-the-top mutant blasting madness with your PlayStation®Move motion controller, all in stunning 3D and remastered HD graphics.

The PS3 extended cut is also going to support the MOVEwhich seems like a pretty good fit for this type of game. With the multiple gun-like adapters, it should prove to be a good time blasting away at some zombies with a friend. I haven’t yet jumped into the MOVE platform, but a game like this could change that, quick! Will this be enough for folks such as myself who actually did purchase and play through the original version on the Wii?  We’ll have to take a wait-and-see approach is what I’m guessing. Also, it will be interesting to see if the price point might happen to be a bit lower than the normal $60.  Haven’t seen a trailer pop up yet for the new Extended Cut, so for now here is the original kick-ass trailer for the wii version of the game:

Credit to DreadCentral for discovering this on the newswire!