“Not So Evil” Sidecast #21 After All These Years

Welcome to another installment of the “Not So Evil” Sidecast!
On this episode we are exploring sequels that lagged a bit behind, 10 years or more to be exact. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Deadliest Prey, Omen IV, & Mother of Tears are all sequels that took a while to happen. In some cases they were following up a classic, in other cases not so much. Some of these went beat for beat, some just continued the weird. Tonal shifts galore in one of these sequels had the four of us scratching our heads. No need to try and guess which one, press play now and find out!
Listen:[audio http://media.blubrry.com/dbcc/p/media.blubrry.com/horrorphilia/p/horrorphilia.com/horrorphilia/Podcasts/NSE21.mp3]

Download: “Not So Evil” Sidecast #21

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